Marcel Dinahet
Lives in Rennes.

Exposures (selection)
1991 Stopovers, the ODDC Coasts of Armor, Brittany.
1995 Gallery Le Sous-sol, Paris.
World Wide video festival 95, La Haye, Netherlands. World Wide video festival 95, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid. One Board, Aperto 95, Biennial of Venice, Venice.
1996 Cabo-Espichel, Museum of natural history, Lisbon.
1998 Finisteres, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornouailles.
2000 Floatings, grand Cafe, Saint-Nazaire. Mobile images, Center Of art of Nicosie, Cyprus.
2001 Tours, The District, Quimper. Levels O, French Institute of Scotland, Edinburgh. On the beach, the Square, Chateau-Gontier.
2002 Estuaries, Workshops of Frac of the Pays de la Loire. The estuary of the Tanshui river, Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taipei, Taiwan. A Chateau-Gontier, Vault of Geneteil, Chateau-Gontier. Marcel Dinahet, Fiac 2002, Gallery Le Sous-sol, Paris mobilis in mobile, Nuit Blanche, Gallery Le Sous-sol, Paris.
2003 Ailleurs, elsewhere, Museum of installation, London. Incidence, Art Moskva, Moscow. Urban mobiles, Abbey of Maubuisson, St-Ouen-the Alms. Singular voyages, departmental Field, Chamarande. Into the breach, Smartprojectspace, Amsterdam. Unheimlich, the Synagogue, Delme. The place of the glance, Center of Art, Sete.
2004 West - east... between two waters, NCCA and Art Kliazma, Moscow. Densite+_0, Higher National School of the Art schools, Paris. Densite+_0, Fri-Art, Freiburg, Switzerland. For the birds, Frac of the Countries of the Loire, Carquefou.
2005 13+, Domoball Gallery, London. The Flood, International Structure Biennial, Mkgalerie, Rotterdam. Landscaping, Fusebox, Washington.
2006 little agitated Sea, Museum of the Cohue, Vannes. Motionless dancers, the Menagerie of glass, Paris. Motionless dancers, the Triangle, Rennes. NCCA, Kaliningrad, Russia. LOOP Artfair, Mkgalerie, Barcelona. Kaliningrad, Center of art of Pontmain, Mayenne.

A book of reference: Periples, Dominique Abensour, Jean-Marc Huitorel, Pascale Risterucci, Editions Le Quartier, Quimper, 2001. Authors having written on the work of Marcel Dinahet: Jerome Sans, Jean-Marc Huitorel, Sophie Duplaix, Robert Fleck, Catherine Grout, Dominique Abensour, Sophie Legrand-Jacques, Francoise Parfait.

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Сара Уилсон
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Видео (WMV) - 30 Mb
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